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Food Fights
State governments increasingly regulate church potlucks.
Why We're Losing the War Against HIV/AIDS
Harvard's Edward C. Green says health officials undermine abstinence and fidelity programs in Africa.
The Church Awakens
Christians make AIDS fight a high priority.
The Politics of Stem Cells
Why do some scientists and politicians insist on exploiting embryos?
Q & A: Deborah Dortzbach
The international director of HIV/AIDS programs at World Relief talks on our progress, and regress, with AIDS.
Against Abstinence
What a South Dakota State Library debate pitting Christianity Today against Planned Parenthood reveals about the sexual left.
Cry, the Beloved Continent
Don't let AIDS steal African children's future.
As complicated as ABC
Condoms and abstinence can both play a role in AIDS prevention.
Mr. Jabez Goes to Africa
Bruce Wilkinson expands his borders to include racial reconciliation and HIV/AIDS
Bono’s American Prayer
“The world’s biggest rock star tours the heartland, talking more openly about his faith as he recruits Christians in the fight against AIDS in Africa.”
A Matter of Life and Death
Why shouldn't we use our embryos and genes to make our lives better? The world awaits a Christian answer
Have We Become Too Busy With Death?
As 4,900 people die each day from AIDS, African Christians ask themselves:
Doctors Who Pray
How the medical community is discovering the healing power of prayer.
Should Expectant Mothers Be Tested for HIV?
Experts debate how to reduce AIDS in newborns.
EDITORIAL: AIDS Policy Failure

Top Story May 6, 2024

Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism
Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism
Our apologetics must evolve to engage with the new cultural mood of the next generations.

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